Workout, Happening, and Updates at ROYAL CITY COMMUNITY FITNESS
The Blog
WOD: Bench Press, Toes to Bar, Deadlifts
Sunday Workout Of the Day LIFT Bench Press 3×6 @ 75% 2×6 @ 80-85% WOD ‘Joker’ 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Toes to Bar 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Deadlifts (225/155)
WOD: Snatch, Overhead KB Lunge, Box Jump-overs, KB Swings
Saturday Workout Of the Day LIFT Snatch 4×3 @ 75-80% WOD 5 Rounds 20 Single Arm Overhead KB Lunge (53/35) 20 Box Jump-overs (24/20) 20
WOD: Deadlift, Double Unders, Wall Balls, Bar-Facing Burpees, Shoulder to Overhead
Friday Workout Of the Day LIFT Deadlift 2×5 @ 75% 2×5 @ 80-85% WOD 4min work, 90sec rest x 3 40 Double Unders 30 Wall
WOD: Ring Muscle-Ups, Cindy, Squat Cleans
Thursday Workout Of the Day SKILL Ring Muscle-Ups E2MOM x 5 L1 – 15sec Transition Hold + 15sec Dip Hold L2 – 3 Eccentric MUs
WOD: Front Squat, Row, Plank
Wednesday Workout Of the Day LIFT Front Squat 3-3-3-3-3 Partner WOD 125/100 Cal Row (per partner) P1 – Row P2 – Plank switch as needed
WOD: Press, Push Press, Sumo-Deadlift High Pulls, Toes to Bar, Dips, Double Unders
Tuesday Workout Of the Day LIFT Press 4×2 (AHAP) Push Press 1xAMRAP @ heaviest Press weight WOD 3 Rounds 100 Double Unders 25 Sumo-Deadlift High
WOD: Clean, Wall Balls, Burpees, Box Jumps
Monday Workout Of the Day LIFT Clean 4×3 @ 75-80% WOD 28-21-14-7 Wall Balls (20/14) Burpees Box Jumps (24/20) BUY OUT Accumulate 1min of L-Sit
WOD: Diane, Thrusters, Chest-to-Bar Pullups
Sunday Workout Of the Day WOD 1 9mins to complete… 21-15-9 Deadlifts (225/155) Handstand Pushups Rest 5mins WOD 2 7mins to complete… 15-12-9 Thrusters (125/85)
WOD: Bent-Over Row, Hang Power Cleans, Pistols, Double Unders
Saturday Workout Of the Day LIFT Bent-over Row 8-8-8-8 WOD 2-4-6-8-10-12-14 Hang Power Cleans (155/105)* Pistols *every time you drop the bar=25 DUs
WOD: Handstand Walks, Burpee Box Jumps, KB Swings, Row
Friday Workout Of the Day SKILL Handstand Walk Practice E2Mx6… L1 – 30sec Pike Hold L2 – 30sec Pike Walk Around Box L3 – 30sec
WOD: Back Squat, Power Snatches, Pullups
Thursday Workout Of the Day LIFT Back Squat 3×6 @ 75% 2×6 @ 80-85% WOD 3 Rounds 10 Strict Pullups 10 Power Snatches (135/95)
WOD: Bench Press, 13.2
Wednesday Workout Of the Day LIFT Bench Press 3×4 @ 70% WOD Open Workout 13.2 10min AMRAP 5 Shoulder-to-Overhead (115/75) 10 Deadlifts 15 Box Jumps
WOD: Snatch, Ring Rows, Dips, Tabata Bike
Tuesday Workout Of the Day LIFT Snatch 3×3 @ 65% WOD 1 3 Rounds (not for time) 10 Ring Rows 10 Strict Dips WOD 2
WOD: Deadlift, Burpees, Goblet Step-ups, Toes-to-Bar, Rope Climbs
Monday Workout Of the Day LIFT Deadlift 3×4 @ 70% WOD 5 Rounds 16 Goblet Step-ups (24/20) (53/35) 12 Lateral Burpees over KB 8 Strict
WOD: Front Squat, Pushups, Thrusters, Row, Turkish Getups
Sunday Workout Of the Day LIFT Front Squat 3×4 @ 70% WOD 10min AMRAP 50/35 Calorie Row/Bike/Ski 35 Pushups 50/35 Calorie Row/Bike/Ski 35 Thrusters (75/55)
WOD: Press, Bar-Facing Burpees, Cleans, Ring Muscle-Ups
Saturday Workout Of the Day LIFT Press 3×4 @ 70% WOD 2min work, 1min rest x 6 12 Bar-Facing Burpees 8 Power Cleans (115/80) (90sec
Bring a Friend Day WOD
It’s Bring a Friend Day! Just a reminder that if you are bringing a friend to class with you, they need to sign up through
WOD: Clean, Double Unders, Pistols, KB Push Press
Bring a Friend Day Tomorrow! If you are planning on bringing a pal to Bring a Friend Day, please ask them to fill out this
Bring a Friend Day Info & WOD: Back Squat, Hang Power Snatches, Burpee Box Jumps
Bring a Friend Day Hi everyone, If you are planning on bringing a pal to Bring a Friend Day (Friday Nov 30), please ask them
WOD: Bench Press, Row, Pushups, C2B
Tuesday Workout Of the Day LIFT Bench Press 4×5 @ 80% WOD 500m Row 21-15-9 Hand-Release Pushups Chest-to-Bar Pullups
WOD: Overhead Squats, Power Cleans, Front Squats, Push Jerks, Bar-Facing Burpees
Monday Workout Of the Day LIFT Overhead Squat 3-3-3-3-3 WOD 10 Rounds 5 Power Cleans (135/95) 5 Front Squat 5 Push Jerks 5 Bar-Facing Burpees
WOD: Sumo Deadlift, Chipper
Sunday Workout Of the Day LIFT Sumo Deadlift 4×5 @ 80% WOD 50 Wall Balls (20/14) 50 Russian KB Swings (53/35) 50 Box Jumps (24/20)
WOD: BMU, Power Snatches, Assault Bike Sprints
Saturday Workout Of the Day SKILL Bar Muscle-UpsE2MOM x 5, 30sec PracticeL1 – Rolling Hips to BarL2 – KippingL3 – Kipping Hips to BarL4 –
WOD: Back Squat, Row, DUs, BBJOs
Friday Workout Of the Day LIFT Back Squat 8-8-8-8 WOD 1000m Row 50 Double Unders 30 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24/20) 50 Double Unders 1000m Row
WOD: Press, Push Press, Thrusters, Pullups, Dips
Thursday Workout Of the Day LIFTs Press2×5 AHAP Push Press2×3 AHAP WOD 6-9-12Thrusters (125/85)Strict Pullups12-9-6ThrustersStrict Dips
WOD: Clean, Deadlifts, GLs, MBSUs, L-Sit
Wednesday Workout Of the Day LIFT Clean2-2-2-1-1 WOD 30-20-10Deadlifts (225/155)Goblet Lunges (53/35)Med-Ball Situps (20/14) BUY OUT 1min of L-Sit
WOD: HSPUs, T2Bs, WBs, DB Snatches, BBJOs, SDHPs
Tuesday Workout Of the Day WOD 1 7min AMRAP 1+ Handstand Pushups 1+ Toes To Bar WOD 2 7min AMRAP 12 Wall Balls (20/14) 8
WOD: BOR, Row, OHSs, DUs
Monday Workout Of the Day LIFT Bent-Over Row12-10-8-6 WOD 50/35 Calorie Row35-25-15 Overhead Squats (75/55)70-50-30 Double Unders
WOD: Handstand Walk, Burpees, KB Snatches
Sunday Workout Of the Day SKILL Handstand Walk Practice WOD 2min work, 1min rest 15 Burpees Max KB Snatches (53/35)* *Continue until you have completed
WOD: Back Squat, DT
Saturday Workout Of the Day LIFT Back Squat 4×5 @ 75-80% WOD ‘DT’ 5 Rounds 12 Deadlifts (155/105) 9 Hang Power Cleans 6 Push Jerks
WOD: Bench, HSPUs, KBSs, BJOs
Friday Workout Of the Day LIFT Bench Press 5-5-5-5 WOD 21 Handstand Pushups 21 Russian Twists (53/35) 42 KB Swings 42 Box Jump-overs (24/20) 15
WOD: Snatch, WBs, C2Bs, DUs
Thursday Workout Of the Day LIFT Snatch3-3-3-2-2 WOD 17min AMRAP28 Double Unders14 Wall Balls (20/14)7 Chest To Bar Pullups
WOD: Deadlift, OHLs, Row
Wednesday Workout Of the Day LIFT Deadlift6-5-4-3 WOD 3 Rounds500/350m Row30-20-10 OH Stationary Lunges (95/65)
WOD: RMUs, T2Bs, BFBs, Cleans, Pistols
Tuesday Workout Of the Day SKILL Ring Muscle-Ups WOD 6 Rounds6 Toes To Bar8 Pistol Squats10 Bar-Facing Burpees12 Power Cleans (115/80)
WOD: Front Squat, Snatches, DUs, Ropes
Monday Workout Of the Day LIFT Front Squat7-6-5-4 WOD 0:00-7:0020 Hang Power Snatches (95/65)60 Double Unders10 Hang Power Snatches30 Double Unders5 Hang Power Snatches15 Double
WOD & Remembrance Day Update
Quick update re: Sunday Nov 11 schedule changes… – 1pm Gymnastics – Cancelled – 2pm CrossFit – Sunday’s WOD will be Murph for Remembrance Day
WOD: Clean, WBs, KBs, BJOs
Friday Workout Of the Day LIFT Clean3-3-3-2-2 WOD 14min AMRAP10 KB Hang Clean & Jerks (53/35)15 Box Jump-Overs (24/20)20 Wall Balls (20/14)
WOD: OHS, DUs, Burpees, Thrusters, C2B
Thursday Workout Of the Day 2 Rounds25 Overhead Squats (115/80)50 Double Unders25 Burpees to 6″ Target50 Double Unders25 Thrusters50 Double Unders25 Chest-to-Bar Pullups
WOD: BOR, Pushups, Deadlifts, Bike
Wednesday Workout Of the Day LIFT Bent-Over Row8-8-8-8 WOD 1 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10Deadlifts (225/155)Hand-Release Pushups WOD 2 50/35 Cal Bike
Athlete Of the Month
Congrats to our October Athlete of the Month Kyle Freiburger! Kyle is an Air Canada Captain, who started training with us in April 2015. At
WOD: HSW, WBs, T2Bs, Dips, DB Snatch
Tuesday Workout Of the Day SKILL Handstand Walk WOD 4 Rounds, 45sec…1. Wall Balls (20/14)2. Toes To Bar3. Dips4. DB Snatch (50/35)5. Rest
WOD: Back Squat, Row, Snatch, SDHPs
Monday Workout Of the Day LIFT Back Squat 5-5-5-5 WOD 1000m Row 21-15-9 Power Snatches (75/55) Sumo-Deadlift High Pulls
WOD: Core, Chipper
Sunday Workout Of the Day CORE 3 Rounds (not for time)30 sec Hollow Body Hold10 V-Ups WOD 50 KB Snatches (50/35)50 Box Jumps (24/20)40 Hang
WOD: Deadlift, WBs, DUs
Saturday Workout Of the Day LIFT Deadlift3×5 @ 75-80% WOD 50-40-30-20-10Wall Balls (20/14)Double Unders
WOD: Fran, Burpees, Bike, Row
Friday Workout Of the Day WOD 1: “Fran” 21-15-9Thrusters (95/65)Pullups WOD 2 Teams of 3, Partitioned any way…150 Burpees150/120 Cal Row150/120 Cal Bike
WOD: Bench, KB Swings, TGUs
Thursday Workout Of the Day LIFT Bench Press 3×5 @ 75-80% WOD “Death by KB Swings” EMOM: 1+ KB Swings (53/35) Continue until unable to
WOD: Snatch, Front Squats, T2Bs
Wednesday Workout Of the Day LIFT Snatch 3×3 @ 80-85% 3×2 @ 85-90% WOD 15-12-9-6-3 Front Squats (155/105) Toes to Bar
Reminder: If you have not yet already, please take two minutes to fill out our member survey. Tuesday Workout Of the Day “Fight Gone Bad”
WOD: Back Squat, Cleans, K2Es, Burpees
Monday Workout Of the Day LIFT Back Squat3×5 @ 75-80% WOD 7min AMRAP7 Power Cleans (115/75)7 Knees To Elbows7 Bar-Over Burpees
WOD: Diane, DUs, Ropes
Sunday Workout Of the Day WOD 1 “Diane”21-15-9Deadlifts (225/155)Handstand Pushups WOD 2 Tabata*Double Unders *8 Rounds: 20sec on / 10sec off BUY OUT 4 Rope
WOD: BJs, Clusters, Pullups, BFBs, Thrusters, BBJOs, C&Js, BMUs
Saturday Workout Of the Day Partner WOD 90 Box Jumps (24/20)90 Clusters (75/55)90 Pullups60 Bar-Facing Burpees60 Thrusters (115/75)60 Chest to Bar Pullups30 Burpee Box Jump-Overs30
WOD: Press, Row
Friday Workout Of the Day LIFT PressFind 1RM WOD Rowing Sprint Relay Teams of 2* 500m Row400m Row300m Row200m Row100m Row *Partner 1 rows 500m
Survey: Help Us Serve You Better!
Hey all! Royal City CrossFit has come a long way over the years. We are full of amazing people, and we want to make it
WOD: Clean, T2Bs, Burpees, DUs
Thursday Workout Of the Day LIFT CleanFind 1RM WOD 100 Double Unders25 Burpees25 Toes to Bar25 Burpees25 Toes to Bar100 Double Unders
Wednesday Workout Of the Day SKILL Handstand Walk E2Mx5… L1 – 30sec Pike Hold L2 – 30sec Pike Walk Around Box L3 – 30sec Wall
WOD: Back Squat, WBs, Pullups
Tuesday Workout Of the Day LIFT Back Squat Find 1RM WOD 0:00-2:00 10 Wall Balls (20/14) 10 Chest To Bar Pullups 2:00-4:00 12 Wall Balls
WOD: Bench, HSPUs, Cleans, Row
Monday Workout Of the Day LIFT Bench PressFind 1RM WOD 60/45 Calorie Row3 Rounds15 Handstand Pushups15 Power Cleans (135/95)
WOD: PSs, BFBs, T2Bs, SDHPs, DUs
Sunday Workout Of the Day WOD 1 12min AMRAP 1+ Power Snatch (80/55)1+ Bar-Facing Burpees WOD 2 10 Rounds5 Toes to Bar10 Sumo-Deadlift High Pull
Saturday Workout Of the Day SKILL Bar Muscle-UpsE2MOM x 5, 30sec PracticeL1 – Rolling Hips to BarL2 – KippingL3 – Kipping Hips to BarL4 –
WOD: Snatch, Pullups, GSUs
Friday Workout Of the Day LIFT Snatch Find 1RM WOD 5 Rounds 2-4-6-8-10 Strict Pullups 10 Goblet Step-ups (53/35) (24/20)
WOD: Back Squats, Row, Thrusters, Hang Power Cleans
Thursday Workout Of the Day LIFT Back Squat 5-5-3-3-1-1 WOD 1000m Row 50 Thrusters (45/35) 25 Hang Power Cleans (155/105)
WOD: C&J, K2Es, KB Snatches, Burpees
Wednesday Workout Of the Day LIFT Clean & Jerk3×3 @ 75-85%3×2 @ 85-90% WOD 6 Rounds10 Knees To Elbows10 KB Snatches (53/35)10 Burpees
WOD: Deadlift, BJOs, HSPUs, Tires
Tuesday Workout Of the Day LIFT DeadliftFind 1RM WOD 8min AMRAP1+ Box Jump-Overs (24/20)1+ Handstand Pushups BUY OUT 5 Tire Flips
WOD: OHSs, C2Bs, FSs, DUs
Monday Workout Of the Day LIFT Overhead Squat4×5 @ 75-80% WOD 20-15-10-5Chest To Bar PullupsFront Squats (115/80)* *50 Double Unders after each set of FSs
WOD: Row, Burpees, C&J
Sunday Workout Of the Day Partner WOD (split any way) 50/40 Calorie Row50 Burpees10 Clean & Jerks (185/135)50/40 Calorie Row50 Burpees20 Clean & Jerks (165/115)50/40
WOD: Press, T2Bs, OHSs, BJs
Saturday Workout Of the Day LIFT Press2×5 @ 75-80%2×3 @ 85-90% WOD 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Toes To Bar10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Overhead Squats (95/65)*E2MOM: 8 Box Jumps (24/20)
WOD: Clean, DLs, BFBs, Superman
Friday Workout Of the Day LIFT Clean5×3 @ 75-80% WOD 10min AMRAP1+ Deadlifts (275/185)7 Bar-Facing Burpees BUY OUT 2min of Superman Hold
WOD: HSWs, Pullups, Row, HSPUs
Thursday Workout Of the Day SKILL Handstand WalkE2Mx5…L1 – 30sec Pike HoldL2 – 30sec Pike Walk Around BoxL3 – 30sec Wall WalksL4 – 30sec Shouder
WOD: Back Squats, WBs, DUs, TGUs
Wednesday Workout Of the Day LIFT Back Squats2×5 @ 75-80%2×3 @ 85-90% WOD 3 Rounds…50 Wall Balls (20/14)100 Double Unders BUY OUT 10 Turkish Getups
Athlete of the Month
Congratulations to our September Athlete of the Month, Susan Bryden Cromwell! Sue is a competitive masters swimmer who started training with us in May 2014
WOD: Bench, KB Snatches, Lunges, Dips, Bike
Tuesday Workout Of the Day LIFT Bench Press 2×5 @ 75-80% 2×3 @ 85-90% WOD 3 Rounds, 1min each 1. Max Sets: 1 KB Snatch
WOD: Thrusters, T2Bs, BFBs, SDHPs
Reminder: Just one class today at 11am & we will be running Open gym from 3-5pm. Monday Workout Of the Day 22min Partner AMRAP 50-30-10Thrusters
WOD: HS, Run, DUs, DLs, Cleans, BJOs
Happy Thanksgiving! Reminder: Just one class today at 11am Sunday Workout Of the Day P1: Handstand HoldP2: 200m Run(switch)100 Double Unders80 Deadlifts (225/155) P1: Handstand
Saturday Workout Of the Day 7mins to complete… 21-15-9 Overhead Squats (115/80) Chest to Bar Pullups rest 2mins 7mins to complete… 21-15-9 Power Snatches Wall
WOD: Muscle-Ups, Pistols, KB Clean & Jerks, Row
Friday Workout Of the Day SKILL Ring Muscle-Ups E2MOM x 5 L1 – 15sec Dip/Transition Hold L2 – 3 Eccentric MUs L3 – 3-5 Strict
WOD: Snatch, T2Bs, OHLs, Pushups
Thursday Workout Of the Day LIFT Snatch3-3-2-2-1-1 WOD 8 Rounds12 Overhead Lunges (95/65)10 Pushups8 Toes to Bar
WOD: Back Squats, Med Ball Situps, Thrusters
Wednesday Workout Of the Day LIFT Back Squat3×5 @ 75%Max Reps @ 70% WOD 5 Rounds15 Med Ball Situps (20/14)10-8-6-4-2 Thrusters (135/95)
WOD: Clean & Jerk, DUs, HSPUs, Row, BBJOs
Tuesday Workout Of the Day LIFT Clean & Jerk1-1-1-1-1-1-1 WOD 5min AMRAP50 Double Unders5 Handstand Pushups rest 1min 5min AMRAP15/12 Calorie Row5 Burpee Box Jump-overs
WOD: SDL, GSs, Pullups, KBSs
Monday Workout Of the Day LIFT Sumo Deadlift4×5 @ 75-80% WOD 2 Rounds50 Goblet Squats (53/35)8 Strict Pullups50 KB Swings8 Strict Pullups
WOD: OHS, WBs, Cleans, TGUs
Sunday Workout Of the Day LIFT Overhead Squat5-5-5-5 WOD 10min AMRAP4+ Wall Balls (20/14)8 Power Cleans (115/75) BUY OUT 10 Turkish Getups
WOD: Row, Snatches, HSPUs, BBJs
Teams of 2 1. 2000m Row*2. 10 Rounds (in relay)3 Power Snatches (135/95)6 Handstand Pushups9 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20)3. 2000m Row* *switch every 500m
Team Series
Hey all, quick note for all of the athletes hitting up the team series… Sunday morning seems to be the best timing for most people
WOD: Press, Thrusters, T2Bs
Friday Workout Of the Day LIFT Press3-3-3-3 WOD 3 Rounds20 Toes to Bar20 Thrusters (95/65)
WOD: Clean, SDLs, BJOs, Dips
Thursday Workout Of the Day LIFT Clean3-3-2-2-1-1 WOD 21-15-9Sumo-Deadlifts (205/145)Box Jump-Overs (24/20)Dips
WOD: HSW, Pullups, OHSs, Ropes
Wednesday Workout Of the Day SKILL Handstand WalkE2Mx5…L1 – 30sec Pike HoldL2 – 30sec Pike Walk Around BoxL3 – 30sec Wall WalksL4 – 30sec Shouder
WOD: Back Squat, FRLs, SDHPs, BFBs, DUs
Tuesday Workout Of the Day LIFT Back Squat5-5-5-5 WOD 5 Rounds10 Stationary Front Rack Lunges (95/65)10 Sumo-Deadlift High Pulls10 Bar-Facing Burpees50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders
WOD: Bench, Cleans, BJs, Row
Monday Workout Of the Day LIFT Bench Press4-4-4-4 WOD 60/42 Calorie Row50 Box Jumps (24/20)40 Power Cleans (135/95)
WOD: Run, Burpees, K2Es, KBSs, Thrusters
Sunday Workout Of the Day WOD 1 15min AMRAP500m Run15 Burpees15 Knees to Elbows WOD 2 8min AMRAP2+ Russian KB Swings (53/35)2+ Thrusters (95/65)
WOD: BMUs, DUs, WBs, Pushups, C2Bs
Saturday Workout Of the Day SKILL Bar Muscle UpE2MOM x 5, 30sec Practice…L1 – Rolling Hips To BarL2 – KippingL3 – Kipping Hips to BarL4
WOD: Snatch, Row, Ropes, Bike
Friday Workout Of the Day LIFT Snatch2-2-2-2-2 WOD 16min EMOM1. Max Calorie Row2. 2 Rope Climbs3. Max Calorie Bike4. Rest
WOD: Back Squat, Push Jerks, Toes to Bar
Thursday Workout Of the Day LIFT Back Squat8-6-4-2 WOD 21 Push Jerks (135/95)21 Toes to Bar15 Push Jerks (155/105)15 Toes to Bar9 Push Jerks (165/115)9
WOD: Clean & Jerk, Burpees, KB Snatches, Run
Wednesday Workout Of the Day LIFT Clean & Jerk4×3 @ 80-85% WOD 4 Rounds…20 Burpees20 KB Snatches (53/35)200m Run
WOD: Deadlift, WBs, Pullups, HBH
Tuesday Workout Of the Day LIFT Deadlift3-3-3-3 WOD 50-40-30-20-10 Wall Balls (20/14)25-20-15-10-5 Pullups BUY OUT 2min of Hollow Body
WOD: OHSs, DUs, Cleans, HSPUs
Monday Workout Of the Day LIFT Overhead Squat3×5 @ 75%Max Reps @ 70% WOD 14min AMRAP25 Double Unders15 Squat Cleans (115/75)5 Handstand Pushups
WOD: T2Bs, Thrusters, Burpees, Run, RMUs
Sunday Workout Of the Day 30min Partner AMRAP 4 Round Relay10 Toes To Bar10 Thrusters (45/35)10 Bar-Facing Burpees 4 Round Relay8 Toes To Bar8 Thrusters
WOD: Press, Pushups, Deadlift, Row
Saturday Workout Of the Day LIFT Press4×5 @ 75-80% WOD 9min AMRAP10 Pushups10 Cal Row/Ski/Bike10 Deadlifts (225/155)
WOD: Clean, WBs, C2Bs, KBSs, DUs
Friday Workout Of the Day LIFT Clean2×3 @ 75-80%2×2 @ 80-85% WOD 27-21-15-9Wall Balls (20/14)KB Swings (53/35)Situps* *10 Chest-to-Bar Pullups after each set of situps
WOD: HSW, Snatches, OHS, BBJO
Thursday Workout Of the Day SKILL Handstand WalkE2Mx6…L1 – 30sec Pike HoldL2 – 30sec Pike Walk Around BoxL3 – 30sec Wall WalksL4 – 30sec Shouder