Without Further Ado, our yearly Crossfitties
Most Hilarious T-shirt Slogans: Natasha Tremblay
Most Social Media posts: Jason South
Most Likely to be CrossFitting at 3am: Matthew James & Julie Drapeau
Most Likely Female to Outlift Every Male in Class: Christine Gibson
Most Likely to Transform into a Human Pretzel: Christine Ho
Most Likely to Make Friends with You on Your First Day: Bailey McMeans
Most Likely to PR a WOD Twice in the Same Day: Steve Goetz
Most Likely to Give You a Killer Core Workout During Small Talk: Alicia Newell
Most Likely to Bike to the Gym in a Snowstorm: Rebecca Hodges
Child Whisperer: Danielle Stafford
Most Likely Mom to Outlift Your Dad: Christa Aljoe
Most Likely to Recruit His Entire Staff to Royal City CrossFit: Hudson Smith
Noon Crew Captain: Chris Wilson
Most Likely to Lend a Tool You Didn’t Know Existed: Bernie Perry
Congratulations to our repeat winners…
The Iron Athlete Award: Emily Erison
Loudest lifter: Christine Gibson
Best chirper: Greg Wand
And big shout out to our three-peat winners…
Most likely to miss the warmup: Dan Vitale
LEAST likely to sign in to the correct class: Pat Padovan
Most likely to sleep-burpee: Lauren Jarvis
Thanks for another great year everyone! Here is to a great 2017, full of PRs!