Hey guys.
Exciting news! We are launching a new schedule starting next week, Monday! There may be some minor tweaks before then, but basically the schedule will look something like this…
New Schedule
We are starting two new class types, CrossFit Light and CrossFit Advanced. We will be announcing more details on these classes soon. Note that evening classes will now be starting on the half hour. Foundations will be starting at 6:30pm during the week. Also Sunday class times have been bumped up to a 1pm start.
Hoping this works well for everyone. If you have any major qualms, contact me ASAP and I will see what I can do.
I want to take this opportunity to thank Adrian and Kara for their contributions over the past couple of years. They will be moving on to other endeavors. Wish you all the best!
We are also excited to announce the addition of a few new coaches in the next few days. Details to follow shortly.
That’s all for now.