This Saturday at 1pm we will have a special guest, Malachi Greenidge, who will be talking gymnastics at the box. Malachi is a certified personal trainer and has over 20 years of experience coaching high level gymnastics. Come out and learn about techniques he teaches to master your muscleups, handstands, and other gymnastics movements.
Later in the day, we have our halloween party. We will have some cool prizes, eats, and solid music. You have been training hard… it’s time to party hard! Expect some outstanding costumes! Party starts at 6pm and will likely make its way downtown later. Hope to see you there!!
And just a heads up about next week, the 31st is a costume WOD day. You won’t get the boot if you don’t wear a costume, but there may be a wall ball or burpee buy-in happening just FYI.